Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Golden Showers Garden Party

Golden Showers Garden Party - 6/21/08

I really didn't plan to do any challenges besides the Independence Days Challenge I'm already participating in because, well, that one's kicking my arse as it is. However, Crunchy Chicken just issued the Golden Showers Garden Party, and I had to participate. Had to.

Basically, on the day of the Summer Solstice, June 21st, all participants are going to pee on their gardens. Yeah, you heard me. Pee. On the garden. Okay, okay. You have to dilute the urine first or you'll burn your plants, but this really is all right everybody! Urine is a sterile product, unlike fecal matter. Truuuuust me... :D

In case you don't believe me though, here are a couple more links to convince you to participate:

Greywater Guerillas on using urine to fertilize your plants

MedHelp.org on the sterility of urine

Go forth and shower, friends...

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